Rising Edge a Punk/Post Rock band From Tehran was formed by Sina Mohammadi Peykar in 2018.
Rising Edge Consists of Sina Mohammadi Peykar (Guitarist, Vocalist, Producer, Songwriter, Arranger), Pejman Tayebi (Keyboardist, Producer, Mix Master), Ehsan Fazeli (Producer, Designer, Concept Artist) .
Rising Edge is the pioneer of concept music in Iran, Tehran.
Rising Edge is known to Its story lines, concept digital arts, rhythmic Punk tracks, and melodic Post Rock Themes.
Rising Edge goals are to produce albums, like of "American Idiot" of "Green Day", "Departure Songs" of "We Lost The Sea" with more digital arts ( every single track has a concept art ) , and united story lines.

pejman tayebi
Designer, Architect and Musician, Pejman studied Architecture in university of Guilan and got his M.A. from Azad-university Central Tehran branch.
Born in 1898, Pejman got interested in the art in early ages by learning Piano and later on with learning Photography in school ages. After performing as keyboardist in variety of bands, he became interested in learning the tricks of recording and producing.
Mix and mastering became his passion and #1 skill, and as the moment he mainly produce as a Co-arranger and Mix and Master engineer.
sina mohammadi peykar
Having high hopes of becoming Software Developer and Musician, Sina started learning guitar at high school years.
Passion of music and lyrics, made Sina an Enlgish Translater at teenage years, working part time jobs and make demos.
Born in 1997 Sina is currently student of Information Technology, Android Developer in Yogisho co, Guitarist, Vocalist and Composer at Rising Edge.
ehsan fazeli
Concept Artist, Art Director,Video Game Producer, Ehsan grew up reading Comics and fell in love with Comic art.
Born in 1990, Ehsan practiced Art and Desiging in early ages,later on Ehsan continued Graphic Design in Ferdos University.
With more than 13 years of Graphic Experience in local and international projects/team, Ehsan has Produced and Managed variety of games such as "Depose", "Axe Run", "GreenWay" and the upcoming game "The Last Part".