facade design of Guilan Nezam T.A.Mgo back to all projects
About the Project:
This project was a competition for designing the facade of a building with a pre-designed plan and constructed structure. Although we always strive to consider the plan in facade design projects, in this case, involving the Gilan Province Building Engineering Organization Cooperative, our hands were tied for making all those changes.
The project had seven floors. The first three floors were designated for commercial use, and the upper four floors were for office use. Initially, we aimed to clearly display the building's dual functions in the facade and use texture and color to differentiate these two uses.
However, after examining the neighborhood and skyline, and assessing the project's site location, we adopted a different approach. When looking at the main and secondary paths of the site, we realized that the primary facade of the building visible from the main street was merely a wall! Yes, in this project, the side facade was far more important than the primary facade.
Ultimately, despite the limitations, we endeavored not to perceive the facade as a three-dimensional and voluminous event, nor as a two-dimensional skin limited to one front. Finally, considering that the project was for the "Gilan Province Building Engineering Organization Cooperative," we also tried to incorporate elements of Gilan's vernacular architecture.
step 1 : usages
Initially, we examined the building. We aimed to clearly display the building's dual functions in the facade and use texture and color to differentiate these two uses.
step 2 : buildings, neighborhood
At this stage, we examined the neighborhood and skyline. We shortened the design from the previous stage to match the height of the neighboring buildings.
step 3 : view from the main street
At this stage, we examined the main and secondary paths of the site. From the main street, the majority of what can be seen of the building's facade is merely a wall.
The side facade is far more important than the primary facade. Therefore, what we had seen as a two-dimensional surface in previous stages was transformed into a volume.
step 4 : Side views are important
At this stage, we examined other significant viewpoints: from Deylaman Street, only the side facade of the top floor of the project is visible...
We replicated and repeated the volume created in the previous stages.
step 5 : the main entrance
At this stage, we examined the entrance. To enhance its legibility and invitation, we replicated the volumes created in the previous stages. Thus, the structure of the project was formed.
step 6 : local architecture of Guilan
At this stage, we went beyond the building and the site and looked at the context of the project, i.e., Gilan... We wanted the identity of the building to be inseparable from its context, with forms derived from Gilan's architecture.
Masuleh is formed by the juxtaposition of modules: each house as a large-scale module, the rhythm of wooden columns, and plants as small-scale modules.
Controlling of View and sunLight
Given the building's location and orientation, we have slightly angled the vertical elements of the facade to somewhat block the eastern light and allow southern light to penetrate.
Additionally, considering the project's connection with the Building Engineering Organization, the viewing angle is directed towards that building. Given that there is an unsightly building directly opposite the project, this arrangement also reduces the view of that neighboring building to some extent.
Two materials have been used in this project: one with the look and feel of wood, and a bright white material. (This is because the side facade of the project is currently under construction and white sheets are being used.) This white material can be white brick, stone, microscement, etc.
Given the discussed topics and the connection of this design with Gilan's vernacular architecture, we need to capture the look and feel of wood. Naturally, the best possible choice is wood itself (thermowood). However, given the dire economic situation in the country, for cost-saving purposes, wood-patterned concrete panels or wood-patterned ceramic can be used.
Pedestrian Entrance Space
Given the project's plan, we did not have much flexibility in designing this section. The pedestrian entrance simply consisted of a few steps and a wheelchair jack that started directly from the street, leading to a landing and ultimately a narrow hallway. Since the entrance space is one of the most important parts of the building, it was necessary to somehow make this entrance space more open and inviting.
Considering that the ceiling height of the parking ramp was relatively high, we used part of this ceiling as a garden and flower box. Although it might not be an ideal garden and might require the use of photosynthesis lamps for the plants, it is worth it!
ground floor plan
floor plans does NOT designed by us
typial official floor plan
floor plans does NOT designed by us