Holy Defense Museum go back to all projects
Multiplicity vs. Unity
Iran is a country that encompasses diverse ethnicities, cultures, and geographies. In some areas, this diversity is so pronounced that it could potentially lead to internal conflicts. However, not only did these ethnic differences in Iran not lead to conflict, but during the 1979 Iranian Revolution, what was observable was the unity and solidarity of the entire Iranian society in confronting the Pahlavi regime. In fact, the formal differences in Iran had the least impact on the unity and solidarity of the Iranian people during both the 1979 Revolution and the subsequent eight-year war. In other words, the Iranian Revolution and the Sacred Defense were revolutions and defenses of diverse elements that created a cohesive and unified whole.
While the revolution and the defense are sequential, they also embody contradictions. This paradox is a key aspect of the essence of both the revolution and the defense. The only way to understand them is to examine and portray them in comparison and interaction with each other. In the design of this project, this duality and relationship, and overall duality, have been adopted as the main design concept.
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Individualism vs. Collectivism
Individualism was the basis of the modernization Iran pursued during the reign of the late Shah Pahlavi, aiming to bring democracy to Iranian society by promoting individual freedom. However, this individualism manifested only in certain parts of society rather than the entire community.
In contrast, during the 1979 Revolution, society became more collectivist, reaching its peak during the revolution and the subsequent eight-year Sacred Defense. At that time, Iranian society sought to derive its identity from the collective and to act according to predetermined group patterns.
Design Concept:
In this project, the contradiction and duality, and overall the concept of dualism, served as the main design concept. Considering the dialectical relationship between the Islamic Revolution and the Sacred Defense in modern Iranian history, and their close interconnection, understanding them requires examining and presenting both in comparison and interaction with each other.
To illustrate these dual concepts, this project aims to depict a slice of the history of the Islamic Revolution and the Sacred Defense in Iran.
1 spaces (based on physical program)
The space of the Holy Defense Museum (36%)
The space of the Islamic Revolution Museum (10%)
Exhibition space and museum for Other cases (5%)
Other usages such as hotel, etc (49%)
2 Spilitting
Breaking and dividing the units
3 Orientation
Orientation of the units into same direction
4 Arrangement
Arranging the units and forming the project structure
5 Circulation
The formation of semi-open spaces in the project and the creation of a circulation loop
6 Structure
Restraint of lateral forces with shear walls. Verndale Truss. Forming a structural frame by each unit
7 Forming the From
Compliance of the units and structures. The formation of the project form
8 Cutting some holes
Opening holes in the walls to pass the stairs and passage
The process of placing the project on the site
Since in this project, in order to depict dual concepts, it is tried to show a slice of the history of the Islamic Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War. Therefore, the building has been placed in a double form (with back and front) on the site, hence a double volume on the outside and inside in its most continuous state on the site.
Due to the location of the project, the number of visitors riding in cars will be far more than those on foot. So, the extension of the project along the highway , in the direction of Khomeini's mausoleum will be accompanied by visitors who are in cars . they will travel a distance parallel to the project.
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The relationship between the project and its context
Pedestrian visitors will also face a front full of projects in the first encounter and in the next stage, they will discover that cracked surface.
The building, after being placed in ground, creates complications and unevenness on the site. These elevations are the cause of the formation of some open spaces in this project.
Usages such as open space museums, displays of military equipment, and other similar cases can be imagined for it. These complications in the part that is associated with semi-open spaces (entrances of the building) will create a connection between the two faces of the building.